Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

SEIZURES FEVER Herbal Teraphy - Home Remedies -

Seizures Fever babies / Stuip prevent the child (to reduce fever in children stuip and difficult urination)


4 tsp Fennel
Wood pulosari ½ jan
Rejasa 7 seed grain
2 cups water

How to mix:

Material washed, boiled with 2 cups water, reserving up tobecome a glass, then strain.
DKhasiat and Efficacious Drug Benefit tanarnan SeasoningKitchen Series Volume 1
Efficacy and Crop Efficacious Drug Benefits
Foeniculum Vuiqare Arias' viii!

Drinking rules:

Drink 1 cup a day lx.

Rejasa seeds can be replaced with Anyang Anyang plants

Peel Completed stuip

Stuip or Step is one disorder that sometimes occurs in children.Not harmful interference. But if it lasts longer give immediate relief.

Seizures, Muscle Contraction

Stuip or 'step' is a seizure which caused because the child has a high fever. The occurrence of seizures, according to dr. Debbie Latupeirissa, SP.A (K), is as a result of excessive muscle contraction out of the will. Febrile seizures experienced by 2% -3% of children, and can be short and harmless. But if the seizure lasts up to 15 minutes, this strain to watch. Step of this type may harm your baby because it can cause brain damage. Brain damage in turn can cause epilepsy, paralysis, mental retardation.

Seizures or step can occur because of abnormalities in the brain or because of other disorders outside the brain. For example, seizures due to vomiting or diarrhea is usually caused by disturbances of blood electrolytes. In addition, seizures can also occur because mengejangnya base of the throat muscles as a result of narrowing of the airways called laryngeal spasm (laryngospasm). Not only that, epilepsy or tuberculosis of the brain can also cause seizures in children. Seizures caused by abnormalities in the brain may be accompanied with or without fever.

Simplex and Complex

There are two types of seizures alone; 

simple febrile seizures (simplex) and complex febrile seizures. This division is based on the age at onset of first seizure, seizure type, duration of seizures and the presence or absence of neurologic abnormalities (nerve) which already exists. In simple febrile seizures, febrile seizures occur more than 38.5 degrees Celsius or within the first 16 hours of fever. At the time of seizure, it would seem repetitive movements in all four limbs (legs and arms) "The duration of seizures is not more than fifteen minutes, but can be accompanied by a bluish face, eyes glaring upward and at the time the child was unconscious," said Debbie.

Seizures such as this usually will not cause damage to the brain.Seizures simplex is generally caused by abnormalities outside the brain, such as high fever due to infectious diseases or other upper respiratory tract. The nerves in the brain responds to excess body heat is by ordering the seizure. Level of neural sensitivity is influenced by several factors, including heredity or nervous disorders. When children are born from parents or immediate family ever had a seizure it is likely that seizures can happen to children. Meanwhile, when the previous child is suffering from neurological disorders such as paralysis or presence of abnormal movements, then repeated seizures may occur.

Only children with seizures simplex risk of back spasms when he experienced high fever (again) until the age of 4 years. The frequency of seizures themselves may last less than 4 times a year. The reason, because the seizure threshold to high temperatures are still low. "Therefore, if over the age of 4 years was still febrile seizures, the cause should be suspected in the brain," suggests Debbie.

While the complex febrile seizures, seizures can occur with or without fever, seizures more than 15 minutes in one episode.Complex seizures would be experienced by all the whole body or partial body. "Seizures are generally complex due to neurological or neurological abnormalities in the brain."

Avoid Coffee

Many of the myths surrounding the step that circulate in the community. Among them are drinking coffee laced lizard meat that is fried and finely ground. "It's a myth!" Said Debbie.Therefore, the simplex seizures will stop its own (without treatment) in less than 15 minutes. Providing copies of no use."Parents should not give anything by mouth while the child is seizure. Action so it can make a child choking or blocked breathing. The result? You know yourself, "explains Debbie.

As described above, so that children do not experience recurrent seizures one day later, high fever should be lowered by heat reliever. Drugs to prevent seizures also usually be granted, if doctors know little history. Febrile seizures are usually treated with antiperik (fever) such as Diazepam. While the seizures caused by epilepsy treated with anti-epileptic drugs.

If a child had experienced a seizure that long-more than 15 minutes, or occurs repeatedly with a short lag time, the child later in life would be easy having a seizure again. Although only suffered a mild heat. That is why doctors often recommend seizures in children with symptoms like that to be checked further.This checks to see if there are serious abnormalities in the brain or it may require regular medication such as diseased epilepsy in children. "Therefore, you should immediately go to the doctor if your child has seizures that did not stop," advises Debbie. N PG

Prevent Before Too Late

Children with febrile seizures followed by seizures without fever, erisiko five times more likely to have mental retardation. When you find your child has a step, try to: 

  • Do not panic
  • Loosen clothing and airways (collar) of the children, then lay the child on his side to prevent the ingress of liquids vomit into the lungs.
  • Prop up the oral cavity with a spoon that has been coated gauze or other clean clothAvoid doing pengkompresan with a cold towel, because it can cause shorting in the brain. 
  • Body heat met the cold temperatures will result lap 'strong collision' in the brain.
  • Compress the child with warm water or alcohol 70% in both armpits and groin for about 15 minutes. This fabric can also dilapkan to the child from head to toe for about 10 minutes.Wear thin clothes on the child. If your child shivers in the conditions, may be covered, but after missing menggigilnya directly open the blanket.
  • Give relief medication that can be inserted through the anus.Currently available drug seizures in the form of liquid, which can be issued after the end of the tube contents inside the anus.
  • Immediately brought to the hospital when it is in, over 10 minutes, seizures do not stop.

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