Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

FENNEL Plant Description


Habitus Shrubs, annual, high ± 2 m. Stem hollow, segmented, grooved, branching monopodial, whitish green.Compound leaves, pinnate double, needle shape, the end of the base and tapering, flat edge. length of 30-50 cm, 15-25 cm wide, stem 5-7 cm long, light green, green. Flowers: Compound, an umbrella shape, lumbuh at the end of Balang, petals form a tube, a green, five petals, yellow. Fruit: shape oval, grooved, 6-10 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, young green after green keabuabuan old.Roots: riding, white.Fennel comes from southern Europe and Asia. Fennel fruit producing refined oil, fennel fruit powder is often used as a spice in cooking.

Parts used:

• Fruit: Collected time not yet ripe, or at the beginning cook.• The entire Herbaceous plants: Plant above ground, the following plant roots, collected when leafy plants grow up, collected when still young.Nature and Taste:• Nature: neutral tend to smell refreshing warm: warm the internal organs, eliminates cold, restoring warmth to the body.• Taste: (such as camphor, while the fruit is ripe smell of aromatic), Sharp spicy: nutritious spread move (moving the energy relief to the chest, improving blood circulation, disperse / remove the clotting of blood, sweat spreading). Slightly Sweet Taste: powerful and efficacious enhancer harmonize.• Organ Conductor: liver, kidney, spleen, and stomach.


• Fruit: a mature Efficacious eliminates cold, launched energgi, analgesic, healthy stomach, stomakik (appetite), expectorants (peluruh sputum), carminative, and laktagoga.

• Leaves: aromatic smell efficacious as stimulants, diuretics, laktagoga, stomakik and explain the vision.
• Herbs: potent anti-rheumatic.
• Roots: as a laxative and diuretic.
• Oil and fruit: efficacious stimulant, carminative, anti-bacterial, and the ante! mintik.

Chemical content:

• Essential oils (0.3 to 6%), saponins, flavonoids, and polyphenols, also anethol 50-60%, bitter substances, fenkon 20%, kamfen (tonic) dipenten, metilchavikol, limonena, 1.8 sineol, arginine, B-sitosterol, routine, diane Thole, stigmastero!, pinene, b-mirken, felandren, anisaldehid, anisat acid, p-simol, estragol, fatty oils, umbeliferona, sugar.

• Roots and seeds contain stigmasterin (serposterin).

Chemical properties and pharmacological effects:

• Kamfeina / tonic (fruit): stimulates the onset of seizures
• Limonena (fruit): inhibit the fungus Candida albicans causes vaginal discharge, stimulateperistaktik, increase endurance, cold medicines, anti kholinesterasi
• 1.8 sineol (whole plant): overcoming premature ejaculation stimulate erection, anesthesia, stimulating perspiration, reinforcing the liver, central nervous perangasang.
• Arginine (fruit) for injection: prevent infertility, strengthen sperm vitality.
• B-sitosterol (fruit): merangsarig release of the hormone androgen, blocking out the hormone estrogen, weakens the potential of sperm, raw materials steroid hormones.
• Dianethole (fruit): stimulates the release of the hormone estrogen
• Routine (fruit): stimulates the spirit, delaying aging, inhibiting the enzyme aldosededuktase, fosfidiesterase, lipoksi genase.
• stigmasterol (fruit): stimulating hormone estrogen, stimulates ovulation, steroid hormone raw materials, anti hepatotoksit.


• Fruit:

1). Mother's Milk slightly.
2). Coughing up phlegm, asthma.
3). Testicles descend (orchidoptosis).
4). Menstrual disorders: painful menstruation and menstrual irregularities.
5). Insomnia.
6). Poisoning plants, medicinal or mushrooms
7). Launched the menstrual
8). Blood circulation
9). Slowing menopause
10). Increase appetite
11). Treating gastric disorders
12). Reducing pain due to stones and help menghancurkanya
13). Swelling of the vas deferens (epididymis)
14). Accumulation of fluid in the scrotal pouch (hirokel testes).
15). White eggs in the urine (proteinuria).
16). Rheumatic gout.
17). Abdominal pain (mules), abdominal bloating, feeling of fullness in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
18) jaundice, poor appetite, and
19) intestine down to the groin (inguinal hernia)

• Leaves:

1). Cough
2). Improving vision
3). Peluruh urine
4). Flatulence, colic
5). Thirst

The recommended dose in general:

• Use in: Fruit of 3-9 g of braised fennel, fennel fruit minum.atau finely brewed with boiling water to drink while warm. Or leaves eaten as a vegetable or boiled in water and drink.

• Use outside: finely ground and dried fruit are used for local use on thrush, toothache, earache, and wounds. Or fennel oil can be used to rub the child's body is cold.

 Avoid the use of fennel in large doses.
 The use of fennel caused frequent fart and burp.

The results:
 active component, anisaldehida, increasing streptomicinefficacy for the treatment of tuberculosis in mice.
 Improve the digestive tract and stimulate peristalsis expenditurefart.
 Eliminate cold and phlegm.
 In the adult human fennel has the effect of destroying kidneystones.
 Extracts of fennel leaf decoction can lower blood pressure, butby other means not shown.

Preclinical testing by:: Pudjiastuti, Lucie W and Winarno Wien (1998).
Stated: that the administration of intravenous doses of 0.3 lugfennel, and 30 mg/10 g BW in mice could lead to an extension oftime to sleep is caused by lenobarbital. Fennel has effect assleeping pills.

Preclinical trials conducted by Nelli Endang CS and EW (1998)
Proving that an extract of fennel are given out in mice by peroraldose of 1g/kg BW for 3 days to have efficacy.

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