Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

PILES or HAEMORRHOIDS Herbal Teraphy - Home Remedies

Piles / haemorrhoids:


 3 teaspoons Fennel
 1 medium red onion
 Leaves meniran 100 grams
 1 teaspoon white Cumin
 Water 1 liter
 Honey to taste

How to mix:
Fennel, red onion, cumin and white leaf clan meniran all washed,boiled with 1 liter of water until reserving ½ liters, then tarnbahkanhoney, then strain.
Drinking rules:
Drink the potion 4-5x a day, repeat until a few days

Continuous hemorrhoid bleeding:


 Fennel 2sdt
 Wood pulosari ½ jan
 Honey to taste
 Bananas are a young stone fruit
 1 cup Water

How to mix:
Fennel and wood pulosari washed and crushed, boiled with 1 cupof water until the remaining ½ cup honey to taste and then enter the water and then mixed with banana juice young rocks that havetaken the water, stir well.
Drinking rules:
Drink the potion lx seharim repeat once again the next day.

What are Hemorrhoids or Piles?
Hemorrhoids or piles are one of the most common ailments affecting both men and women. But most of the people suffer in silence rather than discuss piles or hemorrhoids with their doctor.
Hemorrhoids or piles are varicose veins of the rectum or anus and are often called piles. These are actually enlarged bunch of blood vessels in and around the anus or rectum.
These generally develop over a period of time. Piles or hemorrhoids come on during the middle and later stages of life, and especially during pregnancy. You may suffer from them, of course, when you are young but generally they come on gradually from the age of about 30.
Piles or hemorrhoids can cause long-lasting discomfort, bleeding and be excruciatingly painful.

Causes of Piles or Hemorrhoids
  • Chronic constipation.
  • Obesity.
  • Jobs requiring heavy lifting.
  • Standing or sitting for long periods.
  • Straining from constipation or diarrhea.
  • Coughing, sneezing, vomiting, and holding one's breath while straining to do physical labor.
  • Congestion of liver leading to increased hepato portal hypertension.

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids or Piles
  • Anal itching and discharge can cause perianal irritation and itching.
  • Anal ache of pain.
  • Bright red blood on toilet tissue, stool or in toilet bevel. Excessive hemorrhoidal bleeding can cause anemia.
  • Pain or tenderness during bowel movements.
  • Prolapse occurs with a bowel movement and is associated with an uncomfortable sensation of fullness and incomplete evacuation.
  • Patients complain of one or more hard tender lumps near the anus.
  • Soiling of clothes may occur in third or forth degree piles or hemorrhoids as a result of impaired continence or production of mucus discharge.
  • Symptoms may vary with conditions such as pregnancy, repeated straining, or change in diet or work patterns.
  • Forth degree piles or hemorrhoids may become strangulated and present with acuste severe pain.
  • Progressive venous engorgement and incarceration of the acutely inflamed piles or hemorrhoids leads to thrombosis and infarction.

Types of Piles or Hemorrhoids
  • Internal Piles of Hemorrhoids: These you cannot see or feel and the first indication you have them is when they bleed. Any bleeding of bright red blood from the back passage must be investigated as other causes are tumors and pathology of lower bowels.
  • Prolapsed Piles or Hemorrhoids: In these the actual varicose veins hang out and can be very painful. They may not come out until you have a bowel movement and the pain associated with them will only be relieved if they are returned inside the anus or rectum. Prolapsed piles or hemorrhoids that stay out can strangulate. This produces an acute situation which can be very dangerous and is a medical emergency.
  • External Piles or Hemorrhoids: These lie outside the anal opening. They are masses of veins found underneath the skin at the anus. They cause itching, burning and irritation. When a blood clot form in an external pile or hemorrhoid, the skin around the anus becomes inflamed and a very painful lump develops. On rare occasions the clot will begin to bleed after a few days and leave blood on the under garments

Massage in Piles or Hemorrhoids

This technique moves matter through the intestines, helping to prevent the constipation that contibutes to piles or hemorrhoids.
Lie on your back, and use your fingers or your palm to make long, sweeping strokes. Repeat each stroke three to six times. Begin on your left side. Just below your ribs, stroke towards your feet; then stroke across your abdomen from the right to left just below your rib cage. Finally, point your fingertips towards your feet, and drag your hand up your right side from pelvis to ribs.

Diet and Nutrition in Hemorrhoids or Piles

A diet adequate in fibre, consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole-grain cereals and bran should be taken. Drinking 10 to 12 glasses of fluids daily is very important.
One should avoid diet rich in refined or junk foods.
A low-fibre diet or inadequate fluid intake causes constipation, which contributes to piles or hemorrhoids in two ways: It encourages straining to have a bowel movement, and it also aggravates the piles or hemorrhoids by producing hard stools that further irritate the swollen veins.
Excessive salt in the diet causes fluid retention, which means swelling in all veins, including piles or hemorrhoids.

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