Rabu, 30 November 2011

Method Of Making The Articles

• Description of plant:
Here we explain briefly how the traits of plants that will be used.

• Name simplicia: 
simplicia is a natural material used as a drug that has not undergone any processing, and unless otherwise stated, simplicia is a natural ingredient that is dried and storedfor later use as needed.

• Parts used:
Here we include instructions on how to pick medicinal plants that will be used

• Nature and Taste:
on this basis decided to traditional healers and medicalprescriptions

• Benefits:
property here is the thing that has been experienced for generations and tested with the scientific support in terms of bothtraditional and konfensional.

• Chemical Ingredients:
based on preclinical studies and clinical trials according to the existing literature.

• The nature of the chemical and pharmacological effects:
a treatment effect of chemical content owned plants based onresearch.

• Usefulness: 
is the use of generally good overall perspective of Traditional, konfensional, as well as the experience of people who use it for generations

• Dose of use:
is the dose generally recommended when usersdo not know the specific dose

• Potions and dosage: 
is a herb that is commonly used with a dose of detail.

• Note and research: 
this deliberately to show the results ofresearch performed by research scientists in our country

About Medicinal Plants Spices Articles

This blog is intended to provide a discussion of medicinal plants used as herbs and accompanied by explanation of its use for treatment of several diseases, according to eastern medicine approaches, also accompanied by a record of scientific research, then my noodles book titled 'Back to Nature BenefitsPlants and Efficacious Drug Benefits.

Sources by: Abu Muhammad al-Qiyanji .

Disease in countries east and west on the same principle. But there are differences in history and way of thinking. Eastern and western Medical difference is in terms of etiology, pathogenesis, and therapy in a way the same disease. Western medicine known as modern medicine, trying to understand and treat disease scientifically. While eastern medicine or medicinal plants trying to understand and treat disease based on tradition and experience already developed in the eastern countries throughout thousands of years.

Treatment with medicinal plants to treat diseases as a whole. To note that that is considered important not only symptom-symptom complained of, but also the system of balance of body and soul.Treatment of medicinal plants did not seek a radical cure, but rather tried to restore the system to support the balance of the body's own healing power, although this opinion and point of view of Western medicine is often considered illogical or less scientific, but basically correct conception and practice of medicine in a day to-day very useful and very effective in the treatment of chronic diseases. The principle is the secret of the success of the treatment of medicinal plants.

Medical Sciences medicinal plants has evolved since thousands of years. Experience and knowledge gathered during this important time for health masyanakat. Treatment of medicinal plants is one of the nation's cultural heritage, which is very valuable and worth recommended back to the community.

Western doctors are generally still viewed as a medicinal plant Treatment Medical treatment "non standard" or a side or also called "alternative" But more and more of them who eventually accept and appreciate the medicinal plants medicine as "complementary", especially in addressing the various masaahchronic disease.

In this paper we provide a highly effective prescription medication in the sense that the material is very easy in the can, and has been tested over hundreds or even thousands of years, by the doctors before us and the people of earlier times, so we hope to be beneficial for our family, relatives relatives, friends and society in general. 

Nevertheless we are aware and we are not saying that this work is preserved from error, therefore we welcome any suggestions and criticism.